Team Cowboy
REST API v1.0 Documentation
November 18, 2013 (Revision 8.12)
© 2013 Team Cowboy, LLC. All rights reserved.
Document Revision History
Table of Contents
Creating the Concatenated String of Request Name/Value
Sample Response with Error (JSON)
The Team Cowboy Application Programming Interface (API) described in this document allows developers to create mobile, desktop, and other software applications that interact with Team Cowboy ( These applications can then leverage Team Cowboy’s extensive functionality for managing and accessing social sports teams and groups.
The API is currently available for both personal/non-commercial and commercial use while in the BETA phase. This is subject to change at any time, so development of commercial products against this API should be done at your own risk and a fee may apply in the future to use the Team Cowboy API for a commercial application (i.e., an application that has a purchase cost or collects revenue as part of its normal operation).
If you have any questions along the way or find problems with this documentation or the API itself, please contact
The API is comprised of various methods for retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting information for users or teams on Team Cowboy as outlined in the Methods section of this document.
To perform an action using the Team Cowboy API, a request is sent with parameters to an API endpoint URL. A response is then sent back to you which you can use to determine success or failure of the request and to take action based on any other information in the response.
To access the Team Cowboy API, you must request an API account. Once an account is created in our system, you will receive a public API key and private API key pair. You should use a separate API account for each application or purpose for accessing the Team Cowboy API. For example, if you create a Team Cowboy mobile application for three different platforms, you should have three separate API accounts.
All requests must include your public API key. Your private API key should NEVER be transmitted in clear text on any request whatsoever. It is instead used to sign API requests. Team Cowboy uses the signature you provide in your requests before granting access to information returned from API requests. The request signing process is outlined in detail below.
Please note that Team Cowboy reserves the right to rate-limit, disable, or delete API accounts (and associated keys) at any time and without notice. We will of course not generally do this unless we suspect that an account is being abused or has otherwise been compromised.
To request an API Account, please sign into an active Team Cowboy account, then visit
Team Cowboy logs all requests made against the API.
Team Cowboy reserves the right to impose rate limiting for your API account at any time. Please use good design when accessing the API and cache any information where possible to ensure your account does not get throttled or disabled completely. API request limits are set high enough for normal use of the API.
The Team Cowboy API can be accessed over HTTP and HTTPS (secure/SSL). Each method listed in the Methods section of this documentation outlines whether the method should be accessed via the regular or secure URL. Attempting to access a method via the regular URL when it requires the secure URL will result in an error. |
Please do not send all requests via
the secure URL! Instead, use the regular (non-HTTPS) URL for all requests
unless the method specifies that the secure URL should be used. |
The Team Cowboy API is a RESTful API. All requests to the API are done via either an HTTP GET or an HTTP POST. At this time, the Team Cowboy API does not make use of HTTP PUT or DELETE requests.
At a minimum, all requests against the Team Cowboy API must include the following five parameters:
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
api_key |
string (40) |
This is the public API key granted to you along with your API account. Example:
b412e0691e179ad12df2a0ff5b8dac2aafb74a3d |
method |
string |
The API method being called. See Methods for a list of supported API methods. This parameter is case-sensitsive, so the method name should be entered exactly as shown in this documentation. Example:
User_GetTeams |
timestamp |
integer |
The UNIX timestamp (seconds since the Epoch) of your request. The timestamp passed must be within 120 seconds of the Team Cowboy API server or your API request will not be fulfilled. Note that this should be an integer, not a floating point number. Example: 1296268551 |
nonce |
string |
A cryptographic nonce value for your request. This value should be unique for each and every request you make against the API. Although the term “nonce” typically refers to “a number used once”, the API will accept any value >= 8 characters, as long as it’s unique. Example: 392049284 |
sig |
string (40) |
The unique signature for your request. Creating signatures is discussed in the section, Request Signatures Example:
9c8c2450734baf8b0bf610e4c9688e9c5faf233f |
These parameters are referenced from the list of Methods as “Required Parameters”.
The following optional base parameters can also be provided with your requests:
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
response_type |
string (enumeration) |
The desired response type to receive from the API server from an API request. Accepted
values: json -- (default) serialized JSON data php -- serialized PHP data |
Other parameters will also be required or optional and vary depending on the API method you are calling as outlined in the Methods section.
All requests against the Team Cowboy API must include a “sig” parameter which represents a signature for the data being sent with your request. Request signatures help ensure that the API request was made by you and that the data received by the API server is the same as what you sent (i.e., that it was not tampered with in transit by a third party).
A signature is created by concatenating specific values together with a pipe character ( | ) and then creating SHA-1 hash from the concatenated string. There are six values that are used to create the string to be hashed as explained below.
The value for the signature should be sent to the Team
Cowboy API should be lowercase. This requirement is in place to remove any
ambiguity since different programming languages return different cases for the
hex values of a SHA-1 hash.
The values that comprise the signature, in this specific
order, are:
1. Private API key - case-sensitive
2. HTTP request method (“GET” or “POST”) - case-sensitive
3. Team Cowboy API Method being called - case-sensitive
4. Timestamp
5. Nonce
6. Concatenated string of request name/value pairs, sorted alphabetically by parameter name with values URL-encoded, and lower-cased. Further details on the expected format are provided below.
For example, suppose you have the following values that
will be used to create your signature:
1. Private API key: 413abdc2120adb9a06eb13cf76483aa25d18dc5a
2. HTTP request method: GET
3. Team Cowboy API Method being called: Team_Get
4. Timestamp: 1296268551
5. Nonce: 5646464564
6. Concatenated
request string:
The concatenated string would be as follows (NOTE: line
breaks added here for readability, actual string to be hashed should NOT
contain line breaks):
413abdc2120adb9a06eb13cf76483aa25d18dc5a|GET|Team_Get|1296268551| |
And the SHA-1 hash of the above value would be:
420dbffb7136d0dab320a29d0d2e64ce8a27f7e7 |
As shown above, the SHA-1 hash signature string should be lowercase and 40 characters long.
This value would then be passed in your API request as the value for the “sig” parameter.
Part of the process of creating a signature for requests to the Team Cowboy API involves creating a concatenated string of the name/value pairs that are present in the request. This section describes how to properly create that string to ensure will match the logic used on the API server. If these instructions are not followed properly, your request signature will not match.
The goal is to get a string of name/value pairs where the name and value in a given pair are separated by an equal sign (=) and each name/value pair are separated by an ampersand (&).
Other important notes:
● Parameter names should be lowercased
● All values in the string should be URL-encoded per RFC 3986. In PHP, the URL encoding would be accomplished using the rawurlencode() function (not urlencode()). In .NET C#, this would be done with HttpUtility.UrlEncode() and then a manual replacement of plus signs (+) with the encoded value of %20.
● Parameter values should be lowercased *after* URL-encoding
● Among other things, spaces should be encoded as %20, not as a plus sign (+). Be sure your development language is doing this or your string will not be correct and your request signature will not be validated by the Team Cowboy API server.
Convert your request parameters to lowercase and sort them alphabetically by parameter name. In other words, the order that request parameters are in when the concatenated string is created is very important!
Suppose you have a request with
the following name/value pairs present:
house = White with blue trim
dog = Toy Poodle
tree = BIRCH
cat = tabby
These parameters need to first
be sorted alphabetically by parameter name, so the order of the parameters
should become:
cat = tabby
dog = Toy Poodle
house = White with blue trim
tree = BIRCH
Concatenate each name/value pair with an equal sign (=), then concatenate each of the name/value pairs with an ampersand (&). The values in each name/value pair should be URL-encoded and then the entire name/value pair string should be converted to lowercase.
The result of this per the ordered list of parameters shown above in STEP 1
would be (note that all values have been lower-cased!):
The Team Cowboy API will return a HTTP response to each HTTP request. By default, the body of the HTTP response will be serialized JSON data. The Team Cowboy API can also return serialized PHP by providing a value for the response_type parameter of “php”. We chose JSON as the default response type because of it’s widespread acceptance and because encoding/decoding functions for JSON exist for all major programming languages.
At a high level, API responses (regardless of response
type) include the following values:
1. success
-- a boolean value (true or false) which indicates if the request was successful.
If this is false, the body (described below) will generally include an error
object which includes an error code, a description of the error that occurred,
and other relevant information.
2. requestSecs
-- the length of time (in seconds) that it took to fulfill your API request
3. body
-- the body of the response will either be the expected response data for the
method you are calling or it will be an object representing an error that
occurred from the request. A list of possible errors is outlined in the
section, Response Errors.
Here is an example of a response that might be returned for an unsuccessful request. This response body includes an error object as described above. See Response Errors for more information about errors that are returned in API responses.
{"success":false,"body":{"error":{"errorCode":"invalidMethod","httpResponse":501,"message":"An invalid or unsupported method was passed to the API (or no method was passed at all). Please check the documentation."}}} |
Here is a more human-readable version of the same
success: false (boolean)
body: error (object):
errorCode: invalidMethod
httpResponse: 501
message: An invalid or unsupported method was passed
to the API (or no method was passed at all). Please check the documentation.
Responses from the API will include proper status code
headers based on the HTTP/1.1 standard, such as:
● 200 - OK
● 400 - Bad request
● 401 - Unauthorized
● 403 - Forbidden
● 404 - Not Found
● 405 - Method not allowed
● 500 - Internal server error
● 501 - Not implemented
If an API method is called and something goes wrong, you should receive an error object (serialized as JSON or PHP) in the body of the response.
Property |
Type |
Description |
errorCode |
string |
The unique error code for the error. See below for a list of error codes that may be returned from requests to the API. |
httpResponse |
integer |
The HTTP/1.1 status code that was returned. See HTTP/1.1 Status Codes. |
message |
string |
A message describing the error in more detail. |
The table below lists possible error codes that may be returned from requests against the API. Error codes will be returned as part of the error response as outlined above. The wording of the descriptions returned from the API for each of these error codes may differ from those below.
This section describes the methods that can be called on the Team Cowboy API.
Important Notes:
● Each method below is designed to be called via an HTTP GET request or an HTTP POST request, but not both. If you receive an error response that the requested method could not be found, make sure you are properly calling the API with a GET or POST request.
● Each method below is designed to be called via a regular (HTTP) or secure (HTTPS) connection. If a method requires a secure/HTTPS connection, you will receive an error if you attempt to call it using a non-secure/HTTP connection. Be sure you are using the applicable API endpoint URL (regular or secure).
METHOD CALLS require a set of basic parameters as defined in the Required Parameters
section. These basic parameters are not listed for each method below.
● JSON does not have a concept of associative arrays. Therfore, in cases where the documentation states that an associative array will be returned (i.e., an array with a specific value as the array index), it will be returned as an object if your response type is “json”. If your response type is “php”, the associative array will remain as such once the serialized PHP in the response is unserialized.
● The responses listed below for each method are what you should expect to be returned in the “body” portion of the response string as described in the Responses section of this document. All responses are assumed to be objects. Objects are not technically being returned but the serialized JSON or serialized PHP returned, when unserialized, should be an object in the respective language (an object in JSON or a StdClass object in PHP).
Request Method: POST, SSL
Retrieves a user token for a Team Cowboy user account for use with your API account. User tokens are used and required for most other API methods.
If a token does not yet exist for the API account/user pair, a new token will be created. Tokens cannot be retrieved for inactive user accounts. Additionally, if a user has disabled access from your API account/application, a token will not be returned, even if you have received one in the past..
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
username |
string |
Required. The username of the user you are getting a token for. |
password |
string |
Required. The password of the user you are getting a token for. |
Response Object
Property |
Type |
Description |
userId |
int |
The ID of the user matched. |
token |
string (36) |
A unique token for the user matched. Tokens are 36-character, lower-cased GUIDs. |
Request Method: GET
Retrieves details for a specific event. User must be an active team member on the team provided and the event must be associated with the team provided.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team that the event is associated with. |
eventId |
int |
Required. Id of the event to retrieve. |
includeRSVPInfo |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not to include RSVP information for the user. Default
value: false |
Request Method: GET
Retrieves attendance list information for a specific event. This provides a list of team members and their RSVP statuses for the requested event.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team that the event is associated with. |
eventId |
int |
Required. Id of the event for the attendance list to retrieve. |
Request Method: POST
Saves an event RSVP for a user. Note that rules surrounding RSVPs are complex and can vary from event-level rules to more complete team rules. These rules are taken into consideration when evaluating the parameter values below, so some parameter values may be ignored. For example, if a team does not permit additional male or female players from being included in RSVPs, these values, even if provided, will be ignored. Similarly, if a team does not allow certain RSVP statuses such as “available”, then providing “available” as the status parameter value will either throw an error or it will default to the next best fit RSVP status (e.g., “maybe” or “no”).
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team that the event is associated with. |
eventId |
int |
Required. Id of the event to retrieve. |
status |
string (enum) |
Required. The RSVP status to save for the user. NOTE: To remove a RSVP, pass “noresponse” to remove the RSVP (if RSVP removal is allowed for the event). To determine if RSVP removal is allowed for a given event, refer to Event.rsvpInstances[].rsvpDetails.allowRsvpRemoval Valid
values: yes, maybe, available, no, noresponse |
addlMale |
int |
Optional. The number of additional male players to include as “yes” in the RSVP. If this parameter is omitted from the request, any value present for additional male players on the RSVP is not updated (i.e., existing values will not be overwritten). To remove this value for the RSVP, pass 0 (zero). |
addlFemale |
int |
Optional. The number of additional female players to include as “yes” in the RSVP. If this parameter is omitted from the request, any value present for additional female players on the RSVP is not updated (i.e., existing values will not be overwritten). To remove this value for the RSVP, pass 0 (zero). |
comments |
string |
Optional. RSVP comments. If not provided, any existing RSVP comments will be cleared out for the user’s RSVP. |
rsvpAsUserId |
int |
Optional. The user to RSVP for. This is used to allow a user to RSVP as a user that is in their list of linked users. If not provided, the RSVP will be saved for the user associated with the userToken parameter value. |
Request Method: GET
Retrieves information about a team message.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team associated with the message. |
messageId |
int |
Required. Id of the message to retrieve. |
loadComments |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not to load comments for the message. Default
value: false |
Request Method: POST
Deletes a team message. The user attempting to delete the message must be a team admin for the team that the message is associated with, or they must be the author of the message.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team associated with the message. |
messageId |
int |
Required. Id of the message to delete. |
Boolean (true if the message was successfully deleted, false otherwise).
Request Method: POST
Saves (adds or updates) a team message.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team associated with the message to add/update. |
messageId |
int |
Optional. Id of the message to update. If not provided, a new message will be added. |
title |
string |
Required. The title of the message. |
body |
string |
Required. The body of the message. HTML is allowed, although unsafe tags are stripped out (nearly all normal HTML tags are allowed). |
isPinned |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not the message should be pinned in the team’s list of mesages. Default
value: false (this value is forced to false if the
user adding/updating the message is not a team admin). |
sendNotifications |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not to send notifications when the message and any message comments are posted. Default
value: false |
isHidden |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not the message is hidden in the team’s list of messages. Default
value: false (this value is forced to false if the
user adding/updating the message is not a team admin). |
allowComments |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not comments can be posted for the message.. Default
value: true |
object that was added or updated.
Request Method: POST
Deletes a comment for a message. The user attempting to delete the comment must be a team admin for the team that the message comment is associated with, or they must be the author of the comment.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team associated with the message. |
messageId |
int |
Required. Id of the message that the comment is associated with. |
commentId |
int |
Required. Id of the comment to delete. |
Boolean (true if the comment was successfully deleted, false otherwise).
Request Method: POST
Adds a new comment for a message. The message must allow comments to be posted or the request will not be successful.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team associated with the message. |
messageId |
int |
Required. Id of the message that the comment is associated with. |
comment |
string |
Required. The text of the comment being added. |
object for the comment that was added.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves information about a team. The team requested must be accessible by the user represented by the user token being provided (i.e., you cannot retrieve team information for a team unless the user is an active member of that team).
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team to retrieve. |
Request Method: GET
Retrieves an array of events for a team’s season.The team requested must be accessible by the user represented by the user token being provided (i.e., you cannot retrieve team information for a team unless the user is an active member of that team).
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team to retrieve events for. |
seasonId |
int |
Optional. Id of the season to retrieve events for. If
not provided, events for all of the team’s seasons will be returned. |
filter |
string (enum) |
Optional. An enumeration value indicating a special filter for retrieving events. Valid
values: ● past -
returns events that have a start date before the current date in the team’s
time zone ● future -
returns events that start in the future, based on the current date/time in
the team’s time zone ● specificDates - returns events bounded by a specific date range, specified by the
“startDateTime” and “endDateTime” parameters. At least one of these
parameters is required if using this filter value. ● nextEvent -
returns the next event based on the current date/time. Note that this keys
off of the start date/time of the event. ● previousEvent - returns the previous event based on the current date/time. Note
that this keys off of the start date/time of the event. If
not provided, the filter defaults to “future”. |
startDateTime |
date/time |
(if filter=specificDates). If provided,
events will only be retrieved that have a start date on or after this value.
The value provided is evaluated against the local date for the event. Enter date/time in format: |
endDateTime |
date/time |
(if filter=specificDates). If
provided, events will only be retrieved that have a start date on or before
this value. The value provided is evaluated against the local date for the
event. Enter date/time in format: |
offset |
int |
Optional. The number of events to shift from those returned. This is typically used if you are requesting a specific number of events per page and you need to offset to a different page. This value is zero-based (i.e., for no offset, use 0, not 1). Default
value: 0 |
qty |
int |
Optional. The number of events to retrieve. Again, if using pagination in your application, this would typically be the page size, or you just want to reduce the response size (i.e., less events). Default
value: 10 |
Array of Event objects.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves an array of Message Board posts for a specific team.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team to retrieve messages for. |
messageId |
int |
Optional. Id of the message to
retrieve. If not provided, all messages are retrieved. |
offset |
int |
Optional. The number of messages to shift from those returned. This is typically used if you are requesting a specific number of messages per page. This value is zero-based (i.e., for no offset, use 0, not 1). Default
value: 0 |
qty |
int |
Optional. The number of messages to retrieve. Again, if using pagination in your application, this would typically be the page size. Default
value: 10 |
sortBy |
string (enum) |
Optional. An enumeration value indicating how to sort the messages that are returned. Valid
values: ● title -
message title ● lastUpdated -
date/time when the message was last updated ● type - the
message type (pinned or regular message) Default
value: lastUpdated |
sortDirection |
string (enum) |
Optional. The sort direction for the messages returned. Valid
values: ASC, DESC Default
value: The default value varies based on the
sortBy parameter: ● title: ASC ● lastUpdated:
DESC ● type: DESC ● No sortBy parameter: ASC |
Array of Message objects.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves roster members for a given team.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team to retrieve. |
userId |
int |
Optional. Id of a specific user/team member to retrieve. If omitted, all team members are returned. |
includeInactive |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not to include team members that are marked as “inactive” for a team (inactive team members cannot access the team but are visible from the Roster page for team admins). Default
value: true |
sortBy |
string (enum) |
Optional. Order to sort the team members returned. The valid values for this parameter vary depending on whether or not the user making the method call is an admin on the team. Valid
values (case-sensitive): ● If user is a team admin: playerType,
playerType_sex, sex, sex_playerType, email, email2, firstName, lastName,
phone, tshirtSize, tshirtNumber, pantsSize, lastLogin, active, inviteStatus ● If user is not a team admin: firstName,
playerType, sex Default
value: firstName |
sortDirection |
string (enum) |
Optional. The sort direction for the team members returned. Valid
values: ASC, DESC Default
value: ASC |
Array of User objects.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves schedule seasons for a team. The team requested must be accessible by the user represented by the user token being provided (i.e., you cannot retrieve team information for a team unless the user is an active member of that team).
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Required. Id of the team to retrieve seasons for. |
Array of Season objects.
Request Method: GET
This is a very basic testing method for checking that you are able to call the Team Cowboy API via a HTTP GET.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
testParam |
string |
Optional. A string to send with the method. The value will be output in the response so you can verify that you sent a parameter successfully. |
Response Object
Property |
Type |
Description |
helloWorld |
string |
A string message confirming you called this test method successfully. If a value for “testParam” was provided, it will be output here as well. |
Request Method: POST
Information for Test_PostRequest is the same as Test_GetRequest except that the request type must be POST.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves user details.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token for the user to retrieve information for. |
Request Method: GET
Retrieves the next event on the user’s event schedule. By default, the event will be the next event from any of the teams that are visible in the user’s profile. The next event can be restricted to a specific team by providing a value for the teamId parameter in the method call.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Optional. A teamId to restrict the event returned to a specific team. If not provided, events for all of the user’s teams will be considered. |
dashboardTeamsOnly |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not to only consider the user’s Dashboard teams when retrieving the user’s next event. Default
value: false |
object. If no next event is present, an empty object will be returned.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves an array of events for the teams that the user is an active member of. Events are only returned for teams that are visible in the user’s profile.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
startDateTime |
date/time |
If provided, events will only be
retrieved that have a start date/time on or after this value. The value
provided is evaluated against the local date/time for the event. If not
provided, the current date/time is used. Enter date/time in format: |
endDateTime |
date/time |
If provided, events will only be retrieved
that have a start date/time on or before this value. The value provided is
evaluated against the local date/time for the event. If not provided, the
current date/time + 60 days is used. Enter date/time in format: |
teamId |
int |
Optional. A teamId to restrict the events returned to a specific team. If not provided, events for all of the user’s teams are returned. |
dashboardTeamsOnly |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not to restrict the events retrieved only to those for teams on the user’s Dashboard. Default
value: false |
Array of Event objects.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves an array of Message Board posts for the teams that the user is an active member of. Message Board posts are only returned for teams that are visible in the user’s profile.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
teamId |
int |
Optional. A teamId to restrict the messages that are returned to a specific team. Default: If this
value is not provided, messages for all of the user’s teams are returned. |
messageId |
int |
Optional. Id of the message to retrieve.
If not provided, all messages are retrieved. |
offset |
int |
Optional. The number of messages to shift from those returned. This is typically used if you are requesting a specific number of messages per page. This value is zero-based (i.e., for no offset, use 0, not 1). Default
value: 0 |
qty |
int |
Optional. The number of messages to retrieve. Again, if using pagination in your application, this would typically be the page size. Default
value: 10 |
sortBy |
string (enum) |
Optional. An enumeration value indicating how to sort the messages that are returned. Valid
values: ● title -
message title ● lastUpdated -
date/time when the message was last updated ● type - the
message type (pinned or regular message) Default
value: lastUpdated |
sortDirection |
string (enum) |
Optional. The sort direction for the messages returned. Valid
values: ASC, DESC Default
value: The default value varies based on the
sortBy parameter: ● title: ASC ● lastUpdated:
DESC ● type: DESC ● No sortBy parameter: ASC |
Array of Message objects.
Request Method: GET
Retrieves an array of teams that the user is an active member of.
Parameter Name |
Type |
Description |
userToken |
string |
Required. API account/user token. See the Auth_GetUserToken method. |
dashboardTeamsOnly |
boolean |
Optional. Whether or not to restrict the teams retrieved only to those on the user’s Dashboard. Default
value: false |
Array of Team objects.
This section describes the objects that are returned in API method calls and their respective properties.
An activity/sport that is typically associated with teams or team seasons.
Property |
Type |
Description |
activityId |
int |
Activty Id |
name |
string |
Activity name |
Attendance list information for a given event.
Property |
Type |
Description |
countsByStatus |
array |
An array of simple objects, each describing attendance count information by RSVP status. Object
properties: ● status (string)
- The RSVP status name ● counts (object)
- Object containing counts: ● byGender (object): ○ m (int) ○ f (int) ○ other (int) ● byType (object) ○ typeName1
(int) ○ typeName2
(int) ○ typeNameN
(int) ● total
(int) ● Refer
to the meta property of the AttendanceList object for a list of RSVP
statuses. |
meta |
object |
Object that contains meta information for looping through and displaying attendance list information. Object
properties: ● teamMemberTypes (array) - array of TeamMemberType objects. ● genders (array) - array containing simple
objects describing the genders: ○ gender (string) - gender name ○ genderDisplay (string) - gender display
value/title ● rsvpStatuses (array) - array of objects
describing the RSVP statuses: ○ status (string) ○ statusDisplay (string) ● misc (object) – object with miscellaneous
values: ○ genderLabel_male (string)
– display label to use for male gender, as defined by the team. ○ genderLabel_female (string)
– display label to use for male gender, as defined by the team. ○ genderLabel_other (string)
– display label to use for male gender, as defined by the team. ○ groupBy (string)
– preferred secondary grouping of team members in the Attendance List (after
grouping by RSVP status). Possible values: none (no sub-grouping), teamMemberType
(group by team member type), gender (group by gender) |
usersIdsByStatus |
array |
An array of simple objects that provides user IDs by RSVP status. Object
properties: ● status (string)
- RSVP status name ● userIds (object)
- object with properties listing userIds: ● byGender (object): ○ m (array) -
array of user Ids ○ f (array)
- array of user Ids ● byType (object) ○ typeName1 (array) - array of user
Ids ○ typeName2 (array) - array of user
Ids ○ typeNameN (array) - array of user
Ids ● all (array)
- array of user Ids Refer
to the meta property for a list of RSVP statuses. |
users |
array |
An array of users for the attendance list. Each array element is an object describing the user as well as attendance list information for the user in context of the event. Object
properties: ● user (object)
- An abridged version of the User object. ● rsvpInfo
(object) - AttendanceListUserInfo
object. |
Attendance list/RSVP information for a given user in context of an event.
Property |
Type |
Description |
status |
string |
RSVP status |
statusDisplay |
string |
RSVP status display value |
comments |
string |
Comments |
canRSVP |
boolean |
True if the user can RSVP for the event based on the event, team member, and team settings. |
hasResponded |
boolean |
True if an RSVP response has been recorded for the user (i.e., if the user has not yet responded for the event, this will be false). |
addlMale |
int |
The number of additional male attendees that are a “yes” RSVP that this team member has included with their RSVP. |
addlFemale |
int |
Same as addlMale, but for females. |
addlDisplay |
string |
A string describing the additional male and/or female players. |
dateCreatedLocal |
date/time |
The date/time when the RSVP was first saved, in the event’s timezone. |
dateLastUpdatedLocal |
date/time |
The date/time when the RSVP was last updated, in the event’s timezone. |
dateCreatedUtc |
date/time |
The date/time when the RSVP was first saved (UTC). |
dateLastUpdatedUtc |
date/time |
The date/time when the RSVP was last updated (UTC). |
A color swatch that contains one or more colors. Typically color swatches are assigned to a team or opponent team for an event on a team’s event schedule.
Property |
Type |
Description |
label |
string |
The label/title of the color swatch as a whole. |
colorCount |
int |
number of colors in the color swatch. |
colors |
array |
An array of colors in the color swatch. Each array element is an object describing the color. Object
properties: ● name (string)
- The name of the color. ● hexCode
(string) - The HTML hex code for the color (e.g., #FFFFFF for white). |
An event in a team’s event schedule.
Property |
Type |
Description |
eventId |
int |
Event Id |
team |
object |
Simple object with basic team information. Object
Properties: ● teamId (int) - Team Id ● name (string) - Team name |
seasonId |
int |
Season Id |
seasonName |
string |
Season name |
eventType |
string (enum) |
Event type enumeration. Possible
values: game, doubleheader, postseason, match, meet,
tournament, jamboree, race, regatta, ride, bye, practice, scrimmage, pickup,
meeting, other |
eventTypeDisplay |
string |
Event type display |
status |
string (enum) |
Event status enumeration. Possible
values: active, postponed, canceled, forfeited |
statusDisplay |
string |
Event status display |
personNounSingular |
string |
Team member noun display (singular). E.g., player, competitor, attendee, etc. |
personNounPlural |
string |
Team member noun display (plural). E.g., players, competitors, attendees, etc. |
title |
string |
Title of the event. This varies based on the event type. For game-related events (game, meet, race, etc), this is the opponent name. For other events types, this is the event title. |
titleFull |
string |
full title of the event. This takes into consideration opponent names (for
events where that is applicable), etc. For game-related events (game, meet,
race, etc), this would be something like “Home vs. OpponentName”. For other
events types, this is the event title or just the user-facing version of the
event type (such as “Practice”). |
titleLabel |
string |
The label to use for the event title. Like the title value itself, this varies based on the event type. |
homeAway |
string (enum) |
Whether the event is home or away (enumeration). Possible
values: home, away, NULL |
result |
object |
object describing the outcome/result of the event. Object
Properties: ● scoreEntered (bool) - True if a score has been entered for the event ● outcome (string, enum) - outcome for the event: win, loss, tie, NULL ● score1 (int)
- Score entered for the main team ● score2 (int)
- Score entered for the opponent team ● isWin (bool)
- True if the event was a win ● isTie (bool)
- True if the event was a tie ● isLoss (bool)
- True if the event was a loss ● scoreDisplay (string) - Display of the outcome and the scores ● dhScoreEntered (bool) – Same as scoreEntered,
but for the 2nd game in a doubleheader event ● dhOutcome (string, enum) – Same as outcome,
but for the 2nd event in a doubleheader event ● dhScore1 (int) - Same as score1, but for
the 2nd game in a doubleheader event ● dhScore2 (int) - Same as score2, but for the
2nd game in a doubleheader event ● dhIsWin (bool) - Same as isWin, but for
the 2nd game in a doubleheader event ● dhIsTie (bool) - Same as isTie, but for
the 2nd game in a doubleheader event ● dhIsLoss (bool) - Same as isLoss, but for
the 2nd game in a doubleheader event ● dhScoreDisplay (string) - Same as scoreDisplay,
but for the 2nd game in a doubleheader event |
rsvpInstances |
array |
Array of RSVPInstance objects. This property is only present if RSVP instance information was loaded for the event -- see Event_Get(). |
comments |
string |
Event comments |
options |
array |
Array of event options. |
oneLineDisplay |
string |
One-line display of the event information. Automatically adjusts based on event type, start/end dates/times, etc. |
oneLineDisplayShort |
string |
Same as oneLineDisplay, but a bit shorter |
maleGenderDisplay |
string |
display text to use for male genders on the team. This is based on team
settings. |
femaleGenderDisplay |
string |
display text to use for female genders on the team. This is based on team
settings. |
dateTimeInfo |
object |
Simple object with describing date/time information for the event. Object
Properties: ● timezoneId (string) - Timezone Id for the event ● startDateLocal (date) - The start date of the event in the event’s
timezone in the format YYYY-MM-DD ● startTimeLocal (time) - The start time of the event in the event’s
timezone, in the format HH:MM:SS ● startDateTimeLocal (date/time) – the combined start date
and time for the event in the event’s timezone, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS ● startDateLocalDisplay (date) – The display version of
the start date of the event in the event’s timezone ● startTimeLocalDisplay (time) - The display version of the start time of the
event in the event’s timezone ● startDateTimeLocalDisplay (time) - The display version of the combined start date
and time of the event in the event’s timezone ● startDateTimeUtc (date/time) - The start date/time of the event in UTC, in the
format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ● startTimeTBD (bool) - True if the start time is marked as “TBD”. Note
that this is not the same as an event without a time. This indicates the
event explicitly has the “Time TBD” flag set. ● [End
Date/Time Values] -- same as above but for the event’s end date/time
(e.g., instead of “startDateLocal”, use “endDateLocal”, etc.) ● inPast (bool) – True if the event is in the past ● inFuture (bool) – True if the event is in the future |
location |
object |
Location object. If no properties are present, the event does not have a location set. |
shirtColors |
object |
Simple object representing the team shirt colors. Object
Properties: ● team1 (object) - ColorSwatch object
describing the color swatch for the main team (the team the event is assigned
to). Value is null if no color swatch is present. ● team2 (object) - ColorSwatch object
describing the color swatch for the opponent/other team. Value is null if no
color swatch is present. |
userMetaInfo |
object |
object representing meta information about the API user in context of the
event’s team. Object Properties: · isTeamAdmin
(bool) – True if the user is a team
administrator on the event’s team ·
showOnDashboard (bool) – True if the user user has selected to show the
event’s team on their Dashboard page |
dateCreatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the event was created (UTC). See important notes in the Change Log (Revision 7.42) for information about this field. |
dateLastUpdatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the event was last updated (UTC). |
A location, typically associated with one or more events.
Property |
Type |
Description |
locationId |
int |
Location Id |
name |
string |
Location name |
surface |
object |
object describing the “surface” of the location. Object
Properties: ● type (string)
- The surface type (grass, turf, dirt, etc) ● typeDisplay (string) - Display value for the surface type ● showType (bool) - True if it makes sense to show the surface type for the location
(this takes into consideration whether a type is defined, etc.) |
lights |
object |
object describing lighting for the location. Object
Properties: ● lights (string) - Value for the lights setting for the location (yes, no, unknown,
or na) ● lightsDisplay (string) - Display value for the lights setting for the
location ● hasLights (bool) - True if the location has lights |
address |
object |
object describing the address for the location. Object
Properties: ● addressLine1 (string) - First address line ● addressLine2 (string) - Second address ● city (string)
- City ● stateProvince (string) - State/province ● postalCode (string) - Zip/Postal code ● partOfTown (string) - Part of town (neighborhood, etc) ● displayMultLine (string) - Multi-line display for the address (lines
separated by newlines) ● displaySingleLine (string) - Single-line display for the address ● googleMapsUrl (string) - Google Maps URL for the address ● googleMapsDirectionsUrl (string) - Google Maps “Get Directions” URL for the address |
visibility |
string |
The visibility for the location (public or private) |
visibilityDisplay |
string |
The display value for visibility. |
comments |
string |
Location comments. |
A Team Cowboy user account that is linked to or from another Team Cowboy user account.
Property |
Type |
Description |
fromUserId |
int |
The User Id of the “from” user in the link. |
toUserId |
int |
The User Id of the “to” user in the link. |
username |
string |
Username |
firstName |
string |
First name |
lastName |
string |
Last name |
fullName |
string |
Full name (first and last names combined) |
displayName |
string |
Display name. |
isActive |
boolean |
Whether or not the link is active in the user’s profile. |
profilePhoto |
object |
Simple object with full URLs to the user’s profile photo. Object
Properties: ● thumbUrl (string) - thumbnail photo |
teams |
array |
Array of simple objects representing the teams that the linked user is a member of. Object
Properties: ● teamId (int)
- Team Id ● name (string) – The name of the team ● profilePhoto (object): ● Simple object with full URLs to the team’s photo. ○ thumbUrl (string) - thumbnail photo ● meta (object)
- Simple object with meta information about the user in context to the team: ●
(object) - information describing
the user’s team member type: ○
(string) - type name ○
(string) - type title/display name ○
(string) - short version of type
title/display name ●
(array) - Array of options specific
to the user/team pair |
A message for a team’s message board.
Property |
Type |
Description |
messageId |
int |
The message Id. |
title |
string |
The title of the message. |
bodyHtml |
string |
The body of the message (HTML). |
bodyText |
string |
text approximation of the HTML message. Note that messages are natively
stored as HTML, so the text version provided in this property may not be
perfect or as the author intended it. In some cases, it may be preferred to
convert HTML to text using your own code libraries in your applications. |
isPinned |
boolean |
True if the message is a “pinned” message (pinned messages always show at the top of the message list on the main Team Cowboy web site). |
allowComments |
boolean |
True if comments can be posted for the message. |
commentCount |
int |
The number of comments that have been posted for the message. |
team |
object |
Simple object describing the team that the message is assigned to. Object
Properties: ● teamId (int) -
The team Id ● name (string) - The team name |
postedBy |
object |
Simple object describing the user that posted the message. Object
Properties: ● userId (int) – The user’s Id ● firstName (string) - First name of the user ● lastName (string) - Last name of the user * ● fullName (string) - Full name of the user * ● gender (string) – Gender of the user (“m”, “f”, or “other”). * ● genderDisplay (string) – Display version of the
user’s gender. * ● profilePhoto (object) - Simple object with full URLs to the team’s photo.
* ○ fullUrl (string) - full-size photo ○ thumbUrl (string) - thumbnail photo *
Due to user privacy settings, the last name, profile photo URL(s), and/or
gender values may not be present. This also affects the display of the full
name if no last name is available (the full name will be the same as the
first name). |
comments |
array |
Array of MessageComment objects. Only present if comments are loaded for the message. |
userMetaInfo |
object |
object representing meta information about the API user in context of the
team that the message applies to. Object Properties: · isTeamAdmin
(bool) – True if the user is a team
administrator on the message’s team · showOnDashboard
(bool) – True if the user user has
selected to show the message’s team on their Dashboard page ·
canEdit (bool) – True if the user can edit/delete the message |
dateCreatedLocal |
date/time |
Date/time the message was created (local time for the message’s team). |
dateLastUpdatedLocal |
date/time |
Date/time the message was last updated (local time for the message’s team). |
dateCreatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the message was created (UTC). |
dateLastUpdatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the message was last updated (UTC). |
A comment for a post on a team’s message board.
Property |
Type |
Description |
commentId |
int |
The message comment Id. |
messageId |
int |
The Id of the message that the comment is associated with. |
teamId |
int |
The Id of the team that the message is associated with. |
timezoneId |
string |
The timezone Id for the comment (pulled from the team’s timezone). |
postedBy |
object |
Simple object describing the user that posted the message comment. Object
Properties: ● firstName (string) - First name of the user ● lastName (string) - Last name of the user * ● fullName (string) - Full name of the user * ● gender (string) – Gender of the user (“m”, “f”, or “other”). * ● genderDisplay (string) – Display version of the
user’s gender. * ● profilePhoto (object) - Simple object with full URLs to the team’s photo. ○ thumbUrl (string) - thumbnail photo *
Due to user privacy settings, the last name, profile photo URL(s), and/or
gender values may not be present. This also affects the display of the full
name if no last name is available (the full name will be the same as the
first name). |
dateCreatedLocal |
date/time |
Date/time the comment was posted (local time for the message’s team). |
dateLastUpdatedLocal |
date/time |
Date/time the comment was posted (local time for the message’s team). |
dateCreatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the comment was posted (UTC). |
dateLastUpdatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the comment was last posted(UTC). |
Information for an “RSVP instance” which is a representation of RSVP display values, rules, and other information that can be used to build user interface input controls for collecting a user’s RSVP for an event. An RSVP instance can be for the current user or it can be for one of the current users’ linked users.
Property |
Type |
Description |
userId |
int |
Id of the user that the RSVP instance applies to. |
displayName |
string |
Display string to use in the user interface. This is mean to be read from the current user’s point of view, so if the userId for the RSP instance is the current user, this will be something like, “Your status” whereas for any of the current user’s linked users, it will be the display name of the linked user. |
teamMemberType |
object |
A TeamMemberType object for the user that the RSVP instance applies to. |
rsvpDetails |
object |
object describing RSVP information and other details for the current RSVP
instance (e.g., the current user or another user they can RSVP on behalf of). Object properties: · allowRSVP
(bool) – Whether or not the
user/instance is allowed to RSVP · allowRsvpRemoval
(bool) – Whether or not the
user/instance is allowed to remove their RSVP once it has been submitted · allowExtraPlayers
(bool) – Whether or not the
user/instance is allowed to include additional team members in their RSVP · allowedStatues
(array) – DEPRECATED,
DO NOT USE! Original property was
here but was misspelled. Use the “allowedStatuses” property instead. This
property will be removed from API responses sometime after 1/1/2012. · allowedStatuses
(array) – Array of strings
representing the RSVP statuses that the user/instance is allowed to submit.
Value will be “yes”, “maybe”, “available”, or “no”. · allowedStatusesDisplay
(array) – Array of simple objects: o
status (string) – Status name (corresponding with the value in the allowedStatuses
property) o
statusDisplay (string) – Display value for the status in context of the
event (takes event type, past/future event, and other information into
consideration) · status
(string) – the current RSVP status
for the user/instance. Value will be “yes”, “maybe”, “available”, “no”, or
“noresponse”. · statusDisplay
(string) – The user-facing RSVP
status for the user/instance. This will vary based on the event type. For
example, for a “Game” event type, a “yes” RSVP will be displayed as
“Playing”. · statusDisplayShort
(string) – A shorter version of the
user-facing RSVP display value. This will often be the same as the “long”
version, but not always. · addlMale
(int) – The number of additional
male team members on the RSVP for the user/instance · addlMaleDisplay
(string) – The display value for
the addlMale property. This will generally be the same if a value is present
for addlMale, or will be blank if no additional male team members are
present. · addlFemale
(int) – The number of additional
female team members on the RSVP for the user/instance · addlFemaleDisplay
(string) – The display value for
the addlFemale property. This will generally be the same if a value is
present for addlFemale, or will be blank if no additional female team members
are present. ·
comments (string) – RSVP comments provided for the user/instance |
Response object returned from a call to the Event_SaveRSVP method.
Property |
Type |
Description |
rsvpSaved |
bool |
True if the RSVP was saved, false otherwise. |
statusCode |
string (enum) |
A status code indicating why the RSVP could not be saved. This value may be present if the RSVP is saved but will be blank. Possible
values: ● rsvpOverTotal - The event and/or team setting has
a limit on the number of “yes” RSVPs that can exist for the event, and the
RSVP you attempted to save would exceed that limit ● rsvpNotAllowed - The RSVP is not allowed per event
and/or team settings (rules based on the event type, team member type, etc.) ● userNotOnTeam - The user you are trying to RSVP
for is not on the team indicated ● commentsOverMaxLength - The comments provided are over
the maximum length (150 characters) ● generalError - Some other error occurred and the
RSVP could not be saved |
A schedule season (event group) that is associated with a team.
Property |
Type |
Description |
seasonId |
int |
Season Id |
teamId |
int |
Team Id |
name |
string |
Season name |
startDateLocal |
date/time |
Season start date (in local time based on the timezone setting for the team). |
startDateUtc |
date/time |
Season start date in UTC. |
startDateInFuture |
boolean |
Whether or not the season start date is in the future. |
activity |
object |
Activity object. |
league |
object |
Simple object describing the league. Object
Properties: ● leagueId (int) - League Id ● name (string)
- League name ● city (string)
- City ● stateProvince (string) - State/province ● postalCode (string) - ZIP/Postal code ● countryIso2 (string) - ISO 2-letter country code ● websiteUrl (string) - Web site URL |
leagueDivision |
string |
The team’s division that is listed for the season. |
A team on the Team Cowboy web site.
Property |
Type |
Description |
teamId |
int |
Team Id |
name |
string |
Team name |
shortName |
string |
Short team name. Will be truncated version of name if the value of name is long. |
type |
object |
object definition for TeamType. |
activity |
object |
See object definition for Activity. |
timezoneId |
string |
Timezone Id where the team is located. |
city |
string |
City where the team is located |
stateProvince |
string |
where the team is located. |
stateProvinceAbbrev |
string |
abbreviation (e.g., “WA” for “Washington” or “ON” for “Ontario”). |
country |
string |
where the team is located. |
countryIso3 |
string |
value for the team’s country (e.g., “USA” for “United States of America”).
See |
postalCode |
string |
Zip/Postal code where the team is located. |
locationDisplayShort |
string |
that can be used to output the team’s location, which includes the
state/province, city, and country. The “short” version uses the
state/province abbreviation and ISO3 value for the country. |
locationDisplayLong |
string |
as locationDisplayShort, except uses full values for the state/province and
country (instead of using abbreviation and ISO3 country code). |
managerUser |
object |
object describing the team member that is assigned as the manager for the
team. Note that this team member may not necessarily have team administration
privileges (the manager is for display purposes only). Also note that some
fields below may not be populated based on permission and user privacy
settings for the user accessing the API. The value of this property will be NULL if no manager is defined for the team. Object
Properties: ● userId (int) –
User Id ● firstName (string) – First name ● lastName (string) – Last name ● fullName (string) – Full name (first and last names
combined) ● emailAddress (string) – E-mail address |
captainUser |
object |
object describing the team member that is assigned as the captain for the
team. See
description and object properties for managerUser. |
teamPhoto |
object |
Simple object with full URLs to the current team photo. Only returned if team has a photo. Object
Properties: ● fullUrl (string) - full-size photo URL ● smallUrl (string) - small size photo URL ● thumbUrl (string) - thumbnail photo URL |
colorSwatches |
object |
object describing 0 or more color swatches for the team. Properties
below will be null if no color swatch is defined for the team. Object Properties: · home (ColorSwatch object) – “Home” color swatch for the team · away (ColorSwatch object) – “Away” color swatch for the team ·
alternate (ColorSwatch object) – “Alternate” color swatch for the team |
options |
object |
object with a subset of team options. Object Properties: · misc
(object) – Simple object: o
showRecord (bool) – Whether or not to show record (wins/losses/ties) for event
schedules. o
attendanceListMaleLabel (string) – The label to use for male team members on the
team o
attendanceListFemaleLabel (string) – The label to use for female team members on the
team o
hideGenders (bool) – Whether or not to hide the display of genders for
the team |
userProfileInfo |
object |
Simple object with profile information for the user that is specific to the team (i.e., information that may be overridden from the user’s core profile information). NOTE:
This information will only be
present in the team object if the team was being loaded from a User method
(such as User_GetTeams). Object
Properties: ● firstName (string) - First name ● lastName (string) - Last name ● fullName (string) - Full name (first and last name combined) ● displayName (string) - Display name ● emailAddress (string) - E-mail address 1 ● emailAddress2 (string) - E-mail address 2 ● phone1 (string) - Phone number 1 ● phone2 (string) - Phone number 2 ● gender (string) - Gender ● genderDisplay (string) - Gender display value ● shirtNumber (string) - Shirt number ● shirtSize (string) - Shirt size ● pantsSize (string) - Pants size ● profilePhoto (object): ○ fullUrl (string) - full-size photo ○ smallUrl (string) - small size photo ○ thumbUrl (string) - thumbnail photo ● options (array) - Array of options specific to the user/team pair ● isTeamAdmin (boolean) – Whether or not the user
is an administrator on the team |
meta |
object |
Simple object with meta information about the user in context to the team. NOTE:
This information will only be
present in the team object if the team was being loaded from a User method
(such as User_GetTeams). Object
Properties: ●
(object) - TeamMemberType ●
(boolean) - true if the user has
hidden the team from their profile ●
(boolean) - true if the user is
showing the team on their dashboard |
dateCreatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the team was created (UTC). |
dateLastUpdatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the team was last updated (UTC). |
A team member type that is assigned to a team member (or is available to be assigned to a team member).
Property |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
The internal name of the type. |
titleLongSingular |
string |
Display title (long version, singular tense). |
titleLongPlural |
string |
Display title (long version, plural tense). |
titleShortSingular |
string |
Display title (short version, singular tense). |
titleShortPlural |
string |
Display title (short version, plural tense). |
showTeamMembersOnRoster |
boolean |
True if team members associated with the team member type should be displayed on the team roster (and in other places where the team roster information is used). This setting comes from the team’s preferences, so it should be respected at all times when displaying information. |
showTeamMembersOnAttList |
boolean |
True if team members associated with the team member type should be displayed on the attendance list for the team’s events. This setting comes from the team’s preferences, so it should be respected at all times when displaying information. |
showTitleOnAttList |
boolean |
True if the display title should be shown in the attendance list for the team’s events. This setting comes from the team’s preferences, so it should be respected if at all possible. |
Team type (adult, youth, etc.).
Property |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Type name |
title |
string |
Title/display name. |
A user in the Team Cowboy system. Users may be on one or more teams (or no teams at all).
IMPORTANT NOTE: User profile information can be overridden
for specific teams that the user is a member of. Because of this, profile
information returned in a User object
will either be for the core user profile or it will be for the user in context
to a specific team. This is based on the API method that was called. For
example, the User object returned
from the User_Get method call will be in context of
the user themselves whereas the array of User
objects returned from a Team_GetRoster method
call will be in context of the team passed with the method call via the teamId parameter.
Also note that some method calls that return User objects may return an abridged version of the object which has fewer properties populated. For example, Event_GetAttendanceList returns an AttendanceList object which includes and object that has a User object as its property. This User object does not include all of the properties listed below (such as detailed contact information and profile information) because that information is not relevant to displaying the attendance list.
Property |
Type |
Description |
userId |
int |
User Id |
firstName |
string |
First name |
lastName |
string |
Last name |
fullName |
string |
Full name (first and last names combined) |
displayName |
string |
Display name |
emailAddress1 |
string |
E-mail address 1 |
emailAddress2 |
string |
E-mail address 2 |
phone1 |
string |
Phone number 1 |
phone2 |
string |
Phone number 2 |
gender |
string |
Gender Possible
values: ● m – Male ● f – Female ● other – Other/Not specified |
genderDisplay |
string |
Gender display value |
birthDate_month |
int |
month (01 through 12) |
birthDate_day |
int |
day (01 through 31) |
birthDate_year |
int |
year (4-digit year) |
shirtNumber |
string |
Shirt number |
shirtSize |
string |
Shirt size (may be a numeric size or a standard size like S, M, L, etc.) |
pantsSize |
string |
Pants size (may be a numeric size or a standard size like S, M, L, etc.) |
options |
array |
array of options that pertain to the user. NOTE: This property is only populated for the user that is associated with the user token passed in the API call (i.e., only the current user’s options are populated). |
profilePhoto |
object |
Simple object with full URLs to the user’s profile photo. Object
Properties: ● fullUrl (string) - full-size photo ● smallUrl (string) - small size photo ● thumbUrl (string) - thumbnail photo |
teamMeta |
object |
object describing team-specific information. This property is only present if
the User is being returned in context to a team or event attendance list. NOTE: If reading user information from a call to the event attendance list (e.g., Event_GetAttendanceList), only the teamMemberType property will be populated below. All other values will not be present. Object
Properties: ●
(object) - TeamMemberType ● notes (string) - Admin-only notes for the team member ● isTeamAdmin (bool) - Whether or not the user is an admin on the team ● invite (object) - information describing the invitation status for the user: ○ status (string) - invitation status (accepted, rejected, pending) ○ guid - unique invitation GUID ○ dateSentLocal (date/time) - Date/time the invite was sent (in the team’s
timezone) ○ dateLastUpdatedLocal (date/time) - Date/time the invite was last updated (in the team’s
timezone) ○ dateSentUtc (date/time) - Date/time the invite was sent (UTC) ○ dateLastUpdatedUtc (date/time) - Date/time the invite was last updated (UTC) ● options (array) - Array of options specific to the user on the team |
linkedUsers |
object |
Simple object describing users that are linked to and/or from the user. Object will be empty if the user has no linked users. This property is not present if the User is being returned in context to a team. Object
Properties: ●
linkedTo (array) - An array of LinkedUser objects representing the users that the user is
linked to ●
linkedBy (array) - An array of LinkedUser objects representing the users that are linked to
the user |
dateCreatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the user was created (UTC). This property is not present if the User is being returned in context to a team. |
dateLastUpdatedUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the user was last updated (UTC). |
dateLastSignInUtc |
date/time |
Date/time the user last signed in (UTC). |
o Event – Additional fields are now present for the Event.result object to provide information about the 2nd event for a doubleheader event type. Additionally, the new fields are always present whether the event is a “doubleheader” event type or not. Before, the dhScoreEntered and dhOutcome fields were present in the Event.result object, but only if the event was a “doubleheader” event type. The new fields that are now present (in addition to dhScoreEntered and dhOutcome) are: dhScore1, dhScore2, dhIsWin, dhIsTie, dhIsLoss, and dhScoreDisplay.
o Event – New value added in eventType enumeration (“ride”).
o AttendanceList – The AttendanceList.meta (object) property has a new property: misc (object). This object provides additional miscellaneous information that can be used when displaying the attendance list. Specifically, AttendanceList.meta.misc.groupBy is used to determine sub-grouping that should be taken into consideration when displaying a team’s attendance list (teams can define this option in their Team Settings).
o Team – The Team.options.misc.attendanceListSeparateGenders (bool) value is now deprecated and should no longer be used. It now always returns true.
o Message – The postedBy property of this object now includes gender and genderDisplay properties (both strings). The postedBy.profilePhoto property object also now includes fullUrl (string), which is the URL to the full-size version of the user’s profile photo.
o MessageComment – The postedBy property of this object now includes gender and genderDisplay properties (both strings). The postedBy.profilePhoto property object also now includes fullUrl (string), which is the URL to the full-size version of the user’s profile photo.
o User – The abridged version of the User object (returned from some function calls) now includes the gender and genderDisplay properties.
o Message – Added a new userMetaInfo property (object). This includes some basic meta information for the user in context of the message’s team.
o User_GetTeams – Added new parameter, dashboardTeamsOnly (bool) to only return teams on the user’s Dashboard.
o User_GetTeamEvents – Added new parameter, dashboardTeamsOnly (bool) to only return events for teams on the user’s Dashboard.
o User_GetNextTeamEvent – Added new parameter, dashboardTeamsOnly (bool) to only return the next event from teams on the user’s Dashboard.
o Event – Added a new userMetaInfo property (object). This includes some basic meta information for the user in context of the event’s team.
o RSVPInstance – Modified the rsvpDetails property (object) to include a new userMetaInfo property (object). This is an array of simple objects that provides the “display” value for the RSVP statuses.
o Event:
§ New Event.titleFull property. This provides the full title of the event (without date/time information)
§ 4 new properties were added to Event.dateTimeInfo: startDateLocalDisplay, startDateTimeLocalDisplay, endDateLocalDisplay, endDateTimeLocalDisplay. These properties contain “user friendly” views for the event date and combined event date/time.
o User – If querying the API for an event attendance list, the User objects returned in the AttendanceList.users array now includes the teamMeta property (object). Within that property, the teamMemberType property is set to provide basic information about the user’s team member type (for the team associated with the event that attendance list information was retrieved for).
o Event_SaveRSVP – RSVPs can now be removed by passing “noresponse” as the RSVP status. Note, however, that you should check to ensure RSVP removal is allowed before attempting this, or you the method call will be unsuccessful. See the notes in “status” field for the Event_SaveRSVP method.
o Miscellaneous documentation edits unrelated to API functionality.
o Message – Added new “bodyText” property. This is an approximated text version of the HTML message body. See property notes for important information.
TeamType – Describes the
type of team (adult, youth, etc.).
o ColorSwatch – Added new “colorCount” property (int). This value provides the number of colors in the color swatch.
o Team:
§ Added new “type” property (object), which describes the team type. See new TeamType object above.
§ Added a new “managerUser” property (object), which describes the team member that is designated as the manager for the team
§ Added a new “captainUser” property (object), which describes the team member that is designated as the captain for the team
§ Added a new “colorSwatches” property (object), which describes 0 or more color swatches for the team.
§ Added a new property to the “options” property: misc.hideGenders (bool) – indicates whether or not to hide the display of genders for the team.
o RSVPInstance – Added a new “allowRsvpRemoval” property (boolean) to the rsvpDetails property. This new property indicates if the user/instance is allowed to remove their RSVP once it has been submitted.
o Team – Added a new “isTeamAdmin” property (boolean) to the Team.userProfileInfo property. This new property indicates if the user is an administrator on the team.
o Message – Added a new “userId” property (int) to the Message.postedBy object. This new property is the Id of the user that posted the message.
o Team_GetMessages – Added a new messageId parameter (int, optional) which can be used to retrieve a specific message. If not provided, all messages are retrieved (this was the default action before this parameter was added).
o User_GetTeamMessages – Added a new messageId parameter (int, optional) which can be used to retrieve a specific message. If not provided, all messages that the user can read are retrieved (this was the default action before this parameter was added).
o Miscellaneous edits unrelated to API functionality.
o Event – A new “dateCreatedUtc” field has been added to the object. Please note that prior to this update, Team Cowboy was not recording the date/time when an event was created, so for events created in the system before February 3, 2012, the date/time when an event was created was set to the value that was present at the time for the date/time when an event was last updated. In reality, these two values may be the same if the event was created initially and has never been updated. If the event was updated prior to February 3, 2012, however, there is no way to determine if that was the case.
o The change log for this documentation (this section) has been moved to the bottom of the document.
o User – A recent release on the main web site introduced the ability to enter a birth date for user profiles and team-specific profiles from the Roster page. These new fields are now included in responses that return the User object. The new properties are as follows:
§ birthDate_month
§ birthDate_day
§ birthDate_year
o Team:
§ Several properties were already in the API but were missing from the documentation and have now been added:
· stateProvince
· stateProvinceAbbrev
· country
· countryIso3
· locationDisplayShort
· locationDisplayLong
§ A new property, “options”, has been added to the Team object
Bug fix:
o AttendanceListUserInfo – The “hasResponded” property was always returning “true” whether the user had responded or not. It now properly only returns “true” if the user has a valid RSVP present for the event.
o Event_SaveRSVP – A change was made to the behavior of the addlMale and addlFemale method parameters. If these parameters are omitted from the method call, any existing values in the RSVP are preserved (i.e., values for additional players are not removed from the RSVP). To remove additional player values, include these parameters and pass values of 0 (zero).
o RSVPInstance – this object was missing documentation for the rsvpDetails property. Documentation has been added for the missing property.
§ The rsvpDetails.allowedStatuses was misspelled as rsvpDetails.allowedStatues. The misspelled property will remain in the API but should be considered deprecated and will no longer be present in API responses after 1/1/2012.
· Miscellaneous documentation edits (No functionality changes).
· Miscellaneous documentation edits (No functionality changes).
API is
officially out of BETA.
o Nonce values are now enforced on API requests (in the BETA, Nonce checking was disabled)
o Timestamp values are now enforced to ensure they are within 120 seconds of the server time (in the BETA, Timestamp range checking was effectively disabled). Be sure the system clock for the system making API calls has time set correctly.
o Team_GetMessages – (Bug fix) This method returns an array of Message objects. The properties within the Message.postedBy object were not being set properly and values were not present.
o User_GetTeamMessages – (Bug fix) This method returns an array of Message objects. The properties within the Message.postedBy object were not being set properly and values were not present.
o Team – (Documentation fix) The Team.teamPhoto object properties were documented incorrectly as full, small, and thumb. They should have been fullUrl, smallUrl, and thumbUrl.
o Event – (Documentation fix) The Event.dateTimeInfo object inPast and inFuture properties were being returned by the API but were missing from the documentation
o Event – (Documentation fix) The Event.maleGenderDisplay and Event.femaleGenderDisplay properties were being returned by the API but were missing from the documentation
o LinkedUser – (Documentation fix) The definition of the team simple object within the LinkedUser.teams array was missing the “name” property (it was being returned properly by the API but was missing from the documentation).
o LinkedUser – (Bug fix) The definition of the team simple object within the LinkedUser.teams array includes a profilePhoto object. This object contains a “thumbUrl” property. The value of this property was improperly returning the thumbnail URL of the user when it should have been returning the thumbnail URL for the team.
o TeamMemberType
– The “”showTitleInAttList” property has been renamed to “showTitleOnAttList”.
Also, two new properties were added: “showTeamMembersOnRoster” and
o ColorSwatch – defines
a color swatch (e.g., a color swatch that is assigned to a team or opponent for
an event)
o Event – shirtColors
property is still an object with “team1” and “team2” properties, but the
properties are now set to the new ColorSwatch object.
o User_GetTeams – array of teams returned is no longer indexed by teamI
o User_GetTeamEvents – array of events returned is no longer indexed by eventId
o User_GetTeamMessages – array of messages returned is no longer indexed by messageId
o Team_GetSeasons – array of seasons returned is no longer indexed by seasonId
o Team_GetEvents – array of events returned is no longer indexed by eventId
o Team_GetRoster – array of team members returned is no longer indexed by userId
o Team_GetMessages – array of messages returned is no longer indexed by messageId
o AttendanceList - "userssByStatus" property renamed to "usersIdsByStatus" and other indexing/structure changes (review documentation below for current object definition).
o Message - comments property is still an array, but the array is no longer indexed by commentId
o User - linkedUsers property (object)
still has “linkedTo” and “linkedBy” properties which are arrays of users, but
the array is no longer indexed by userId
o Team Methods:
§ Team_GetMessages()
§ Team_GetRoster()
o Event Methods:
§ Event_Get()
§ Event_GetAttendanceList()
§ Event_SaveRSVP()
o Message/Message Comment Methods:
§ Message_Get()
§ Message_Delete()
§ Message_Save()
§ MessageComment_Add()
§ MessageComment_Delete()
o User Methods:
§ Added “sortDirection” parameter for User_GetTeamMessages()
o New Objects:
§ AttendanceList - attendance list/RSVP information for a given event
§ AttendanceListUserInfo - RSVP information for a given user in context to an event
§ MessageComment - represents a message board post comment
§ RSVPInstance - RSVP information for a user or a user’s linked user
§ SaveRSVPResponse - returned from a call to Event_SaveRSVP()
§ TeamMemberType - team member type information
o Object changes:
§ Added "teamMeta" property to the User object. This provides team-specific information if the User is being returned in context to a team (for example, from the Team_GetRoster() method)
o User Methods:
§ User_GetNextTeamEvent()
§ User_GetTeamMessages()
o Team Methods
§ Team_Get()
§ Team_GetSeasons()
o Team_GetEvents()
o (General) - For methods that returned information about profile photos (team or user photos), the property names now have “Url” at the end. For example, instead of “full”, “small”, and “thumb”, the property names are “fullUrl”, “smallUrl”, and “thumbUrl”
o Renamed methods “TestGetRequest” to “Test_GetRequest” and “TestPostRequest” to “Test_PostRequest”
o Sport object has been renamed to Activity
§ “sportId” property has been renamed to “activityId”
o “sport” property in Team object has been renamed to “activity”